F. Valdés and R.H. Güting Index-supported Pattern Matching on Tuples of Time-dependent Values Fernuniversität in Hagen, Informatik-Report 373 - 07/2016. | Paper. |
J.K. Nidzwetzki and R.H. Güting DISTRIBUTED SECONDO: An extensible highly available and scalable database management system Fernuniversität in Hagen, Informatik-Report 371 - 05/2016. | Paper. |
J.K. Nidzwetzki, R.H. Güting Distributed SECONDO: A Highly Available and Scalable System for Spatial Data Processing. SSTD 2015: 491-496. |
R.H. Güting and J. Lu Parallel SECONDO: Scalable Query Processing in the Cloud for Non-Standard Applications SIGSPATIAL Special - Big Spatial Data (part 1) 6:2 (2014), 3-10. |
Paper at ACM. |
J. Lu and R.H. Güting Parallel SECONDO: A Practical System for Large-Scale Processing of Moving Objects (Demo paper). ICDE, IEEE 30th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2014. |
Paper (preliminary version) Video demonstration. |
J. Lu and R.H. Güting Parallel SECONDO: Practical and Efficient Mobility Data Processing in the Cloud. SCDM, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2013. |
J. Lu and R.H. Güting Parallel SECONDO: Simple and Efficient Coupling of Hadoop With a Database Engine (Poster). SoCC'13, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2013. |
F. Valdés, M.L. Damiani, and R.H. Güting Symbolic Trajectories in SECONDO: Pattern Matching and Rewriting. 18th Intl. Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Wuhan, China, April 2013, 450-453. Won the best demo award! |
Paper. |
J. Xu and R.H. Güting Manage and Query Generic Moving Objects in SECONDO. Demo Paper, Proc. 38th Intl. Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012. PVLDB 5(12):2002-2005, 2012. | Paper. |
R.H. Güting, T. Behr, and C. Düntgen SECONDO: A Platform for Moving Objects Database Research and for Publishing and Integrating Research Implementations. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 33:2 (2010), 56-63. | Paper (Informatik-Report 356 - 04/2010). IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 2010. |
M.A. Sakr and R.H. Güting Spatiotemporal Pattern Queries in Secondo. Proc. 11th Intl. Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, Aalborg, July 2009, 422-426. |
Paper. |
R.H. Güting, A. Braese, T. Behr, and J. Xu Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories in Secondo. Proc. 11th Intl. Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, Aalborg, July 2009, 427-431. |
Paper. |
R.H. Güting How to Build Your Own Moving Objects Database System. Keynote at the 8th Intl. Conf. on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2007), Mannheim, Germany, 2007, 1-2. | Short
paper Slides of the presentation. |
V.T. de Almeida, R.H. Güting, and T. Behr. Querying Moving Objects in SECONDO 7th Intl. Conf. on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2006), Nara, Japan, 2006, 47-51. | Demo-Paper |
T. Behr and R.H. Güting Fuzzy Spatial Objects: An Algebra Implementation in SECONDO. 21st Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), Tokyo, Japan, 2005, 1137-1139. | Demo-Paper |
R.H. Güting, V. Almeida, D. Ansorge, T. Behr, Z. Ding, T.
Höse, F. Hoffmann, M. Spiekermann SECONDO: An Extensible DBMS Platform for Research Prototyping and Teaching. 21st Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE) Tokyo, Japan, 2005, 1115-1116. | Demo-Paper |
R.H. Güting, T. Behr, V. T. de Almeida, Z. Ding, F. Hoffmann, and
M. Spiekermann SECONDO: An Extensible DBMS Architecture and Prototype. Fernuniversität Hagen, Informatik-Report 313, March 2004. | Paper. |
S. Dieker and R.H. Güting Plug and Play with Query Algebras: SECONDO. A Generic DBMS Development Environment. Proc. of the Int. Database Engineering and Applications Symp. (IDEAS 2000), Yokohama, Japan, September 2000, 380-390. | Paper. |
R.H. Güting, S. Dieker, C. Freundorfer, L. Becker, and H.
Schenk Secondo/QP: Implementation of a Generic Query Processor. 10th Int. Conf. on Database and Expert System Applications (DEXA'99), LNCS 1677, Springer Verlag, 66-87, 1999. | Paper |
R.H. Güting Second-Order Signature: A Tool for Specifying Data Models, Query Processing, and Optimization. Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf., Washington, USA, May 1993, 277-286. | Paper | .