2011-09-09 Notes on Release 3.2.0 =============================================================================== Unfortunately Release 3.1.0 was not entirely stable. This release is essentially a corrected version of 3.1. Moreover the following changes have been applied: * The plugins for NearestNeighborAlgebra, TBTreeAlgebra and STPatternAlgebra have been integrated into the standard distribution. * The knearest operator has been improved to work correctly with geographical coordinates. In this case an additional parameter can be used to specify that coordinates should be converted to Gauss-Krueger before computing distance functions. Output is still in the original coordinates and can be displayed with a map background. * Moving point units (upoint) are now correctly projected to a map background. * A dialog to set a scale factor at the GUI (Settings-> Scale Factor) has been introduced. This makes it possible to keep data in geographical coordinates multiplied by a factor (e.g. 1000.0) and still to visualize them in fron of a tiled map. * The spatialjoin operator has been improved using for the join of objects within a cell a main memory R-tree rather than a nested loop join. * Example tracking data have been added (createmvtrips.sec and Trk110731.csv in the secondo/bin directory).