Available Secondo Plugins

Nearest Neighbor

Responsible: Thomas Behr, Ralf Hartmut Güting, Jianqiu Xu

Included in Secondo since version 3.4.0


The NearestNeighbor plugin contains the NearestNeighborAlgebra. It provides operators to find continuous nearest neighbors of a query trajectory with respect to a set of stored trajectories [1, 2, 3]. Pieces (units) of stored trajectories are indexed by an R-tree [1, 2] or a TB-tree [3]. The operators are called knearestfilter and knearest [1], greeceknearest [2], and chinaknearest [3], respectively. The plugin also contains several variants of distancescan operators implementing the incremental enumeration of nearest neighbors of [4], for a point set indexed by an R-tree.

Implementation Based on Papers

  1. R.H. Güting, T. Behr, and J. Xu. Efficient k-Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories. Fernuniversität in Hagen, Informatik-Report 352 - 7/2009. Paper.
  2. E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias, N. Pelekis, and Y. Theodoridis. Algorithms for nearest neighbor search on moving object trajectories. GeoInformatica, 11(2):159-193, 2007.
  3. Y. Gao, C. Li, G. Chen, Q. Li, and C. Chen. Efficient algorithms for historical continuous k nn query processing over moving object trajectories. In APWeb/WAIM, pages 188-199, 2007.
  4. G..R. Hjaltason, H. Samet: Distance Browsing in Spatial Databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 24(2): 265-318 (1999).


Secondo Version Plugins Needed Notes
3.4.0 (win, linux) none (already included)  
3.1.0 (win, linux) NearestNeighbor (version 5), TBTree (version2) additional operator knearestdistance
3.0.0 (win, linux) NearestNeighbor (version 4), TBTree (version2)  
2.9.2 (win, linux) NearestNeighbor (version 3), TBTree bulk update mechanism added (with revised paper)
2.9.1 (win, linux) NearestNeighbor (version 2), TBTree Bugfix Oct. 2, 2009
2.8.4 (win, linux) NearestNeighbor (version 1)  


Responsible: Thomas Behr

Included in Secondo since version 3.4.0


The TBTree plugin provides the data structure TBTree described in [1]. Additionally, some operations for inserting and finding elements in a TBTree are part of this algebra.

Implementation Based on Papers

  1. D. Pfoser, C.S. Jensen, and Y. Theodoridis. Novel Approaches in Query Processing for Moving Object Trajectories. VLDB 2000:395-406.


Secondo Version Plugins Needed
3.4.0 (win, linux) none (already included)
3.0.0 (win, linux) TBTree
2.9.1 (win, linux) TBTree
2.8.4 (win, linux) none (already included)

X-Tree and M-Tree

Responsible: Mirko Dibbert, Ralf Hartmut Güting


The GenTree plugin provides three algebra modules: GeneralTree, XTree[1] and MTree[2]. The X-tree is able to index data in high dimensional spaces avoiding the drawbacks of R-trees in such spaces. The M-tree is an index structure organizing its elements based on a distance function only. It supports similarity queries.

Implementation Based on Papers

  1. S. Berchtold, D.A. Keim, H.-P. Kriegel. The X-tree : An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data VLDB 1996: 28-39
  2. P. Ciaccia, M. Patella, P. Zezula. M-tree: An Efficient Access Method for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces. VLDB 1997: 426-435


Secondo Version Plugins Needed
3.0.0 (win, linux) GenTree (version 2)
2.9.1 (win, linux) GenTree
2.8.4 (win, linux) none (already included)


Responsible: Thomas Behr


The Periodic plugin contains an algebra providing data types for representing periodic moving objects[1]. Such objects have repetitions within their movements. A repeated movement is only stored once to save memory and to accelerate operations. Furthermore some operations on these data types are implemented. The plugin contains also display classes for the HoeseViewer for a graphical representation of periodic moving objects.

Implementation Based on Papers

  1. T. Behr, V.T. de Almeida, R.H. Güting, Representation of Periodic Moving Objects in Databases. GIS 2006: 43-50.


Secondo Version Plugins Needed
3.0.0 (win, linux) Periodic (version 2)
2.9.1 (win, linux) Periodic
2.8.4 (win, linux) none (already included)

Spatiotemporal Pattern Queries

Responsible: Mahmoud Sakr

Included in Secondo since version 3.4.0


Spatiotemporal pattern queries allow for querying moving objects by their movement profiles. That is, one can specify for example temporal order constraints on the fulfillment of predicates on moving objects. This Secondo Plugin implements our approach that builds on the concept of lifted predicates, i.e. predicates returning time dependent boolean values, of type moving(bool). Hence, unlike previous approaches, it is not restricted to a specific set of predicates.

The Spatiotemporal Pattern Queries plugin contains two types of Secondo extensions:

Implementation Based on Papers

  1. M.A.Sakr and R.H. Güting, Spatiotemporal Pattern Queries. Fernuniversität in Hagen, Informatik-Report 355 - 11/2009. Paper.

Instructions for Use

User Manual
The Berlintest Demo Example


Secondo Version Plugins Needed Notes
3.4.0 (win, linux) none (already included)  
3.1.0 (win, linux) STPatterns (version 3b) a lightweight version of the plugin with additional
operators (e.g. stpatternextend) but without optimizer
extensions and scripts for experiments
3.1.0 (win, linux) STPatterns (version 2) adapted to Secondo 3.1
3.0.0 (win, linux) STPatterns (version 2)  
2.9.1 (win, linux) STPatterns Revised Version Nov. 16, 2009

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Last Changed: 2015-03-05